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Room: The Unfolding Arch of Forging Fantasy

Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE (storyboard)

Rudy Guedj, Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE (storyboard), Risograph print, spiral bound, acetate cover, 210 mm x 297 mm [56 pages], 202
Rudy Guedj, Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE (storyboard), Risograph print, spiral bound, acetate cover, 210 mm x 297 mm [56 pages], 202
Rudy Guedj, Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE (storyboard), Risograph print, spiral bound, acetate cover, 210 mm x 297 mm [56 pages], 202
Rudy Guedj, Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE (storyboard), Risograph print, spiral bound, acetate cover, 210 mm x 297 mm [56 pages], 202

On occasion, The Unfolding Arch of Forging Fantasy is used as a stage to perform spectacles of imaginative inquiries; courteously inviting its visitors to trigger fantasy and curiosity. As did graphic designer Rudy Guedj who, when invited to contribute to The Palace of Typographic Masonry, used the collection as props for the theatre play ‘Two QUATRAINS from QUARANTINE.’ What we have here, despite its premiere at the Department of Play got cancelled for unclear reasons, is the storyboard for the theatrical ritual.

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