Palace of Typographic MasonryPALACE about
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Room: The Asemic Cabinet

Undeciphered characters

Richard Niessen [printed by RaddraaierSSP / Jelgava (Latvia)], Undeciphered characters (cover), Offset, 332 mm x 492 mm (16 pages), 2023.
Richard Niessen [printed by RaddraaierSSP / Jelgava (Latvia)], Undeciphered characters (spread), Offset, 332 mm x 492 mm (16 pages), 2023.
Richard Niessen [printed by RaddraaierSSP / Jelgava (Latvia)], Undeciphered characters (spread), Offset, 332 mm x 492 mm (16 pages), 2023.
Richard Niessen [printed by RaddraaierSSP / Jelgava (Latvia)], Undeciphered characters (spread), Offset, 332 mm x 492 mm (16 pages), 2023.

Especially throughout The Palace of Typographic Masonry will visitors encounter a variety of expressions and mysterious signs, made by different designers. While no one knows how to decipher these sets, there are numerous interpretations. These signs therefore resemble a form of writing that can be understood as a so-called 'asemic script.’ In the publication Undeciphered characters, designed by Richard Niessen, these character sets come together in pursuit of inexplicable meaning.

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